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Route: VI: Far East

A journey through the Suez Canal is a unique experience, passing one of humanity's oldest cultivated landscapes. Malaysia is a fascinating country full of contrasts ? spectacular beaches, impressive fauna and flora, rain forests and wonderful mountains make it paradise indeed. China, long hidden beneath a veil of discipline and uniformity, has developed in just 20 years to become Asia's most important economic power and will soon complete construction on the largest reservoir dam project in the world, the three-gorge-reservoir. Hong Kong, shopper?s paradise, the financial centre of Asia and former British colony, unites Asian and European cultures like no other country. Colombo and its magnificent buildings is fascinating, and not just for nostalgia tourists. The Japanese can look back on a culture that is thousands of years old, and often appears "strange" to Europeans. Once you have sampled from the dish of Japanese hospitality, you will be sure to smile about it in the future, like the Japanese.

HSR-VI-01 : Asia

Nice voyage of modern container vessels. Be impressed of the actual largest freighter vessels in the world.

HSR-VI-02 : China
Far East

Nice voyage on large German container vessels to ports in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and China.

HSR-VI-04 : USA West Coast
Mediterranean - Far East - USA West Coast

Regular service with modern and big vessels of a German shipping line from the Mediterranean Sea to ports in Far East and the West Coast USA.

HSR-VI-05 : Far East - USA
Europe - Far East - USA

Nice voyage with container vessels of a German shipping line to ports in Europe, Far East and the USA.

HSR-VI-06 : India
Hamburg - India

Regular service between northern Europe and India on a nice container vessel of a German shipping line.

HSR-VI-07 : Far East
Singapore - India

Regular service between Singapore and India and Sri Lanka on a container vessel of a German shipping line.